RMC Data Acquisition and Telemetry Services

Service supports User defined scheduled poling of targeted devices and fully automation environments. On-line configuration supports Continuous Process non-stop communication with field devices.
Communication support includes:
- Real-time Data Register – Data Tag Polling
- Archival data uploads from remote devices
- Exception reports or “Cryouts – Call Outs” from field devices.
- Configuration tools and controls can be run via Remote Administration Support.
- Embedded diagnostics and forensics Data Logging
- Most communication functions and controls are accessible to external applications through OPC UA Server interface.
“Embedded Client” triggers, - Enables real-time data caching for OPC Client applications.
- Automatic archived data uploads from field devices w/o OPC Client application.
- Item aliases supported for protocol independent HMI/Client Application development
- Browsing supports protocol specific data types/items and Aliases.
- Multiple protocols can be supported on a single communication channel.
Telemetry Methods:
- Serial Cable, Leased-line or Serial Multi-drop
- Cellular: 3g/LTE & Private LTE Networks
- Radio: (Conventional, Trunking, and Spread- Spectrum Radio)
- Satellite: BGAN M2M / VSAT / Iridium
- TCP/IP Ethernet, Terminal Servers, and IP Interfaces.
- Long Range Wireless
MODBUS Support:
- Modbus RTU and ASCII
- Omni 3000/6000 Modbus (Real-time Data, and History and Report Uploads)
- Daniels Modbus RTU and ASCII (Real-time Data and History Uploads)
- Enron Modbus (Real-time Data and History Uploads)
- Flow Automation Modbus (Real-time Data and History Uploads)
- ABB TotalFlow Modbus (Real-time Data and History Uploads
- Motorola MOSCAD Modbus
- Delta X Modbus (Real-time Data and Dynagraph Cards)
- Baker CAC Modbus (Real-Time Data and Dynagraph Cards)
- User Configurable Register Sets
Bristol Babcock BSAP Module
ABB TotalFlow Packet (Native) Protocol Module (Real-time Data and History Uploads)
ABB HCI-A Module (AAI Analyzers)
Allen Bradley DF1 Module
Master-Slave (Half Duplex)
Point-To-Point (Full Duplex)
Fisher ROC Module (ROC 300 Series, FloBoss 407, 500 Series) (Real-time Data and History Uploads)
GE SNP Module
GE 90 Series PLC Ethernet Module
HP48000 Module (Real-time Data and History Uploads)
Cutler Hammer – IMPACC System Communications Module
Detroit Diesel DDEC Module ( Detroit Diesel Electronic Controller)
General Motors EMD MDEC Module (Marine Diesel Electronic Controller)
Caterpillar ECM Module (Electronic Controller Module)
Nautronix ASK Module
Mercury ECAT, ER Module (Real-time Data and History Uploads)
Teledyne CA , TGP Module
- ABB Totalflow
- Bristol/IP driver
- Custom Interface
- Enron Modbus
- Fisher ROC Ethernet
- Fisher ROC Plus Ethernet
- Fisher ROC Plus Serial
- Fisher ROC Serial
- Lufkin Modbus (ELAM)
- Modbus ASCII
- Modbus Ethernet
- Modbus Serial driver
- OMNI Flow Computer
- User Configurable (U-CON)
- Weatherford 8500
- WITS Level 0 Active
- WITS Level 0 Passive
- Media Level Redundancy plug-in
Special Modules:
- AGA Module (AGA-3, AGA-8 Detailed, AGA-8 Gross 1 and 2, and AGA-7 calculations compliant with the standards and tolerances set by the American Gas Association and API.)
Data Communication Transactions:
Real-time Data
- Interval Polling at 15 different intervals (Periodic Timer Triggered)
- Slow Polls at 15 Intervals are a percentage of Polling Interval (Faster and Slower rates are supported.)
- Synchronous Polling (Clock or Calendar Triggered)
- Demand Polling (DDE/OPC Client Triggered)
History/Archived data Uploads
- Interval Uploads at 15 different intervals (Periodic Timer Triggered)
- Slow Uploads at 15 Intervals are a percentage of Polling Interval (Faster and Slower rates are supported.)
- Synchronous Uploads (Clock or Calendar Triggered)
- Demand Uploads (DDE/OPC Client Triggered)
Real-time data polls and History Uploads can be Interleaved
Exception Reporting/Cryout (Control Device, RTU or PLC Triggered)
Embedded Clients
- Optional RTU to initiate communications without an OPC request from an external Client.
- Provides more deterministic performance as real-time data items are constantly
active. Data collected is cached for delivered to external Client applications
via the Server interface. - Provides standalone history/archived data uploads from field devices for storage
in database or audit files without the requirement of an external Client.
Data Logging:
- Uploaded data can be logged to any leading database via OLE DB.
- EFM data uploads can be written to Flow Cal “. CFX” files or to Flow Cal
- Enterprise (Oracle) format.
- User defined periodic file closing: file size control
- User defined path to file location
- User defined directory and file labels identify file content, date and time.
- User defined automatic file purging: directory size control
Diagnostics Logging:
- Message Errors
- Send Messages
- Receive Messages
- Device and Item Activity
- Status Changes
- Client Data Received
- Field Device Data Received
- Event Notification from Ports
- Receive Buffer Contents and Data
- Item Name, Value and Quality
- Changes in Client Status
- Changes in AES Configuration
- Data Flow Between AES Components
- Performance Data regarding Threads
- AES Footprint or Tracing Information